Board Member Descriptions

AEN Statement of Board Members’ General Responsibilities

As a member of the Board of the Aggie Educator Network (AEN), I am fully committed to its mission, which is “to promote and support Aggie educators” and I have pledged to carry out this mission.  I understand my duties and responsibilities, which include the following:

  • As a member of the Board, I will participate in an orientation upon my installation to office.
  • I will join AEN as a member and pay the annual membership fee of $15.00.
  • I will maintain active membership with The Association of Former Students.
  • I will actively engage and support the on-going efforts of recruiting members and promoting fundraising activities for AEN.  (This may include but is not limited to individual solicitation, undertaking special events, writing email/mail appeals, etc.)
  • I will attend, or be available by phone, 3 out of 4 quarterly Board meetings in addition to 75% of the special phone conferences as called for by the president, if and when deemed necessary.  If illness or other personal situation precludes meeting this goal, I will inform the secretary, or president, by phone or in writing.
  • If I am a member of the Executive Committee (President, President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer), then I will attend, or be available by phone or by email, 3 out of 4 Executive Committee meetings which take place within one week of or prior to the quarterly meetings.
  • I will serve on at least one committee and attend, or be available by phone, for the majority of committee meetings.
  • I will attend, at my expense, AEN’s annual Conference and other events as possible.
  • I am fiscally responsible, along with other board members, for this organization.  I will make a point to know what our budget is and take an active part in reviewing, approving and monitoring the budget.
  • I know my legal responsibilities for this organization and accept that the Board is responsible for overseeing the strategic implementation of policies and programs.
  • I accept AEN’s Bylaws and operating principles and understand that I am responsible for the health and well-being of AEN.
  • If I am unable to meet my obligations as a board member, I will offer my resignation.

Duties of AEN Board Members/Officers


The President-Elect shall become President.  The term of office of the President shall be two years or until his/her qualified successor has been elected.

Job Description

  1.  Presides over all meetings and provides general supervision of the working of the


  2.  Appoints all committees and chairpersons of the committees as well as performs

       such duties as the membership designates.

  3.  Represents the Aggie Educator Network on The Association’s Leadership

       Council biannually.

  4.  Serves on the Executive Committee (which meets one week prior to quarterly

       board meetings) to create its agenda.

  5.  Oversees the update of and board member signing of the Statement of Board

       Member’s General Responsibilities.

  6.  Coordinates with the Treasurer/Immediate Past President to notify members

       who have not paid annual membership dues.

  7.  Acts as a spokesperson for the network.

  8.  Emails a welcome letter to new members.

  9.  Solicits donations from local businesses and AFS.

10.  Works with the Treasurer to disseminate Scholarship monies.


The Board shall elect one of its members to be President-Elect of the Board.  The term of the  office of the President-Elect shall be two years or until his/her successor has been elected. 

Job Description:

1.  In the absence of the President or during the inability of the President to perform

     his/her duties, the President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President.

2.  Performs such other duties/powers as the membership shall designate.

3.  Serves on the Executive Committee (which meets one week prior to quarterly

     board meetings) and assists with the creation of the agenda.

4.  Serves as chairperson for the Nominating Committee.

5.  Reviews the representation and expertise needs of the Board in anticipation of

     future vacancies on the Board.

6.  Nominates new Board members as the need arises.

7.  Presents a slate of officers and At Large members for approval by the Board.

8.  Prepares all election materials and oversees the election of new Board members.

9.  Tallies votes after an election.


The President of the Board shall serve as the Immediate Past President for at least one, but not more than two years after serving his/her final term as Board President.

Job Description:

1.  Recruits new members.

2.  Maintains a list of current and past members.

3.  Creates a network directory of all current and past members.

4.  Coordinates with the Treasurer to track registration and annual membership

     dues (via AEN spreadsheets, email account, etc.).   Notifies the

     president of members who have not paid annual membership dues.

4.  Serves on the Executive Committee (which meets one week prior to quarterly

     Board meetings) and assists with the creation of the agenda.

5.  Has all voting rights and privileges of the Executive Committee and Board



The term of office of the Treasurer shall be two years or until his/her successor has been elected.  The Treasurer may serve two consecutive terms.

Job Description:

  1.  Receives all funds and disburses same on orders of the President.

  2.  Keeps all receipts of disbursements.

  3.  Prepares and presents a financial report to the Board at each Board meeting

       And when requested.

  4.  Needs a working knowledge of rules/laws/financial accounting for non-profit

       organizations including IRS tax reports and Texas SOS tax reporting (Annual

       Franchise tax report and Public Information Report).

  5.  Needs experience with 501(c)(3) tax procedures.

  6.  Prepares pertinent information for filing any applicable tax returns.

  7.  Files AEN tax returns and applicable documents.

  8.  Manages the AEN PayPal account and the AEN checking and savings accounts.

       (Maintains a $150 minimum balance in the Wells Fargo checking account to

         allow for the automatic monthly transfer of $150 from checking to savings.)

       (Designates $1.00 of each membership fee to go to the AEN Professional

         Development Scholarship Fund and keeps a separate line item for


  9.  Serves on the Executive Committee (which meets one week prior to quarterly

       Board meeting) and assists with the creation of the agenda.

10.  Coordinates with the Immediate Past President and Secretary to track

       registration and annual membership dues (via AEN spreadsheets, email

       account, etc.).

11.  Work with the President to disseminate Scholarship monies.


The term of the office of the Secretary shall be two years, or until his/her successor has been elected.

Job Description:

1.  Needs a working knowledge of Office-type software such as Word, Adobe, Excel.

2.  Performs mail merge and produces labels/certificates electronically.

3.  Sends out an email request for agenda items 2 weeks prior to the quarterly board


4.  Serves on the Executive Committee (which meets one week prior to the quarterly

     Board meeting) and assists with the creation of the agenda.

5.  Emails notice/reminder of an upcoming Board meeting one week prior to

     meeting date.

6.  Emails finalized agenda for an upcoming Board meeting 3 days prior to meeting


7.  Keeps a permanent record of all proceedings of membership (via AEN

     spreadsheets, email account, etc.) and all Board meeting minutes (Executive and

     Regular sessions). 

8.  Enters all new member data into database (unless provided for by website).

8.  Ensure accuracy of all records and meeting minutes.

9.  Emails proofed Board minutes to Board members and all interested parties

     within one week following a Board meeting (sooner for specific line items if

     requested by President).


In addition to Board Officer positions, AEN will also include a minimum of five At-Large Board Members.  (Maximum of 9 At-Large Board Members) 

The term of office of an At-Large Board Member shall be two years or until his/her successor has been elected.

Job Description:

Advocate for AEN and provide guidance and counsel on issues related to the future development and growth of AEN.


Job Description:

1.  Develop and maintain AEN’s webpage and social media sites.

2.  Create advertising for events, including but not limited to:  fliers, brochures, ads, registration

     and payment forms, slideshows, videos,  photos, etc.

3.  Promote events and disseminate information regarding events via the AEN webpage, email,

     social media sites, etc.

4.  Coordinate with the Treasurer and the President to recognize donors and Scholarship


5.  Coordinate with the Events Chairman to advertise annual tailgate/summer

     conference/socials/misc. events, etc.


Job Description:

1.  Work with the Treasurer to secure a location for annual tailgate(s)/summer conference/misc.

      events, etc.

2.  Secure/supervise catering and set up/take down of annual tailgate(s)/summer conference/misc.

     events, etc.

3.  Secure/supervise clean up at annual tailgate(s)/summer conference/misc. events, etc.

4.  Secure/supervise set up/take down of any audio/visual/electronics needed for annual

     tailgate(s)/summer conference/misc. events, etc.

5.  Work with the Treasurer to organize our CAST booth.

6.  Work with the TAMU College of Education to setup our table at the Education Career Fair.

7.  Enlist the help of other At Large members to ensure success of all events.